New Beginnings
God has invited me, Julie True, to “infiltrate the earth with sounds of healing” through music, worship, creative sounds, prayer, words of scripture, words of hope and encouragement, and words of declaration that all spring from a heart that believes that God is good, and that He is willing and able to heal us – spirit, soul, and body.
I’ve accepted the invitation, and I’m moving forward, as God gives me favor and opens doors to take what I have in my hand, and pour it out. Would you like to join me?
In the past, I didn’t think that I had much to pour out, but I now know that it doesn’t really matter what I think. It just matters that I take what I have and pour it out! Like the story of the widow in 2 Kings 4: who took the little bit of oil that she had, gathered vessels to pour it into, and then the oil kept flowing as long as she had vessels. When she ran out of vessels, that’s when the oil ran out. So I’m here to pour into human vessels what God has given me.
After many years of leading worship in churches and in conferences; worshiping in public and in the closet, I have found that there is an underlying desire I have for every worship time that I am a part of: I want to help create an atmosphere where I, and anyone who wants to come along with me, can connect – spirit to spirit – with the Living God. When that happens, I believe that we bless the heart of our Papa God, and we personally are affected in deep and powerful ways that can change our lives forever.
When we worship our creator, savior, and the source of all life, out of an overflowing thankfulness to Him and a desire to honor Him, our eyes are opened in new ways to the awesome love of God. Faith rises in our hearts, and many times we are healed – physically and spiritually. If you haven’t tried it before, then why not give it a try now? You’ll see what I mean.
Today is a new day….a new beginning. I’m so thankful that God’s mercies are new every morning. No matter what challenges I may have been faced yesterday, today is a new day.
In this season of my life, God has been reminding me of the incredible power my words have for creating either life or death. For years I thought I was fostering great lines of communication by talking with my husband and others about all of the problems of the day. Much later I realized that all that time, I had been sowing seeds of doubt, unbelief and negativity in my life…..NOT a great crop to sow.
Since that time of revelation, I have been in the process of re-training myself to think and speak differently……to call things that are not, as though they are, and to make declarations of faith. It’s been amazing to see what happens when I make my words line up with God’s truth, and with God’s desires for my life. I’m beginning to see a whole new type of crop being grown in my life….faith, confidence in God’s goodness, and a “knowing” that He is working ALL things together for good in my life.
Sometimes I find myself beginning to listen again to the voices of fear and doubt in my head, or the replaying of tapes telling me all that I’m not and never will be. I have found that this usually happens when I’ve been isolated from life-giving people for too long, out of touch with the Word of God, or when I’ve stopped serving and helping others.
All it takes is a wakeup call in my spirit, though, and the response of my spoken words of faith and life…. and my path is refreshed and reset.
So here’s my prayerful declaration for today…
Thank you for your faithfulness to me, God.
I am expecting good things for my life today.
I’m your child, and I know that you love me with the heart of a Father.
You are good and your love endures forever.Love,
Mrs. True, thank you. I started with your Healing Love CD, and just began listening to Breathe You In, and all I can say is thank you. Our Precious Father is truly using you to provide His Rhema Word through your music. Thank you. I love falling into our Father by your worship. He is the One God, our good and loving Father who we can truly count on. In Christ Jesus, He said once and for all, “I am the LORD your God.” Thank you for you obedience.
December 09 2009
Julie – do you have TWO new cd’s??? Breathe You In & Sound of Healing….
December 11 2009
December 12 2009
thanks for healing love
December 16 2009
Your testimony and music ministry does so much for me. With my disability (fibromyalgia), major surgery and past tragedies it’s so hard to believe sometimes that God loves me.But where to find the lifegiving people who won’t turn on me.I hear the replaying of those tapes too.But this online music ministry is awesome. I might not be completely healed yet but I definitely feel better. I can’t sing so what would I do whithout it?
Thank you very much
Love Ed
December 31 2009
Hi Julie…
Just listened in to the healing room. I am enriched by the grace.
And the artwork…exceptional.
Is there any way of obtaining a better quality picture or poster? The reference of revelation expressed in the streams and colors are impressionable of His Heart.
Would greatly apreciate it.
Continue abiding and transforming in His Love.
January 01 2010
I have Healing Love and Breathe You In and am interested in the new CD that came out. How many new songs are in the new CD? Coulby
January 08 2010
Julie, Saw you on Sid Roth. Been listening to Online Healing Room regularly. It has brought me a renewed peace and closeness with our Lord I needed in the midst of worst season in my life. A friend of mine and I both started to listen to it at night and can both testify to the Annointing. I woke up in the middle of the night the first time I played it all night and there was that heaviness in my room with His Presense. What a Blessing!! Thank you for being faithful to him. I will be ordering a cd soon, once things get a little better. Kathleen
July 01 2010
That’s awesome, Kathleen. God is good!
October 29 2010
Nancy, my newest CD is called Heaven’s Embrace. It was just released one week ago. Breathe You In and Sounds of Healing were both released in the last year, and so they are still relatively new as well! Healing Love was my first CD. Blessings!
November 07 2010
Wow…your words echoed so loudly in my spirit. I too am in a season of revelation of how powerful my words are. I was blessed by God that you have entered my life by way of Its Supernatural. Your music and your testimony has changed my life. The Spirit of Love is truly resting upon you. I too desire to change my thinking and words…you have showed it is possible, and revealed to me the source of the struggle, the enemy’s tormenting voice. Thank you for helping me and showing me how you dealt with the negative voices and how to overcome it. God has done it within me just by allowing me to read your words of testimony and encouragement. I am amazed!!! Thank you for your obedience. Because of the impact your obedience has had on my life…i am inspired to obey God with a new determination, as if someone’s life and soul is on depending on it and on the line, because I know firsthand that it is. To God be all the Glory….Wow!!! Kingdom Blessings!!!!
November 16 2010
Hi Sister, I love your music. I received the mini soaking kit from Sid Roth. My heart wants to set up a soaking room in Canada do u have any suggestions. Thank u
November 20 2010
My wife and I just moved in to our new house, we have a 2 year old and a 3 year old and they were a little nervous about thier new room. Since we moved in, every night we play your music on continous play while they go to sleep. It has helped bring a lot of peace in our home and our children. Thank you for obeying God.
January 12 2011
Hi Julie, Your obedience to Abba Father has truly Blessed and will continue to Bless my life. Christ Jesus Bless You!!
May 19 2011
Hello julie, Thank you for helping me get closer with jesus.
April 17 2012
Your music has helped me enter God’s presence and min9stered to me more than words could ever say. You are a true blessing to the body of Christ. Blessings to you and the family!
October 20 2012